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ASVAB Information

ASVAB program (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) information

The ASVAB Career Exploration Program includes eight individual tests covering verbal and math skills, mechanical knowledge, electronics, etc. It also provides three Career Exploration Scores for Verbal Skills, Math Skills, and Science and Technical Skills. These three scores serve as one of several pieces of information about your teen that can aid in the exploration of a wide variety of educational and career options. The ASVAB is offered at no cost and no obligation to high school students.

Students can use this website to explore occupations and consider whether their skills, as measured by the three Career Exploration Scores, and interests, as measured by the FYI, are comparable to the demands of occupations that appeal to them. Research has shown that students who participate in the ASVAB Program experience less career indecision, enjoy greater confidence in making career decisions, and consider more thoughtfully their options than do students who do not participate in the ASVAB Program.

A junior or senior can also use their scores from the ASVAB to enlist in the Military after graduation. The scores are good for two years. However, no one is under any obligation to the Military as a result of taking the ASVAB. Many students take the ASVAB for career exploration and have no interest in military occupations.

The Eight ASVAB Test Areas Are

  • General Science
    • A 25-item test measuring knowledge of life science, earth and space science, and physical science
  • Arithmetic Reasoning
    • A 30-item test measuring ability to solve basic arithmetic word problems
  • Word Knowledge
    • A 35-item test measuring ability to understand the meaning of words through synonyms
  • Paragraph Comprehension
    • A 15-item test measuring ability to obtain information from written material
  • Mathematics Knowledge
    • A 25-item test measuring knowledge of mathematical concepts and applications
  • Electronics Information
    • A 20-item test measuring knowledge of electrical current, circuits, devices, and electronic systems
  • Auto and Shop Information
    • A 25-item test measuring knowledge of automotive maintenance and repair, and wood and metal shop practices
  • Mechanical Comprehension
    • A 25-item test measuring knowledge of the principles of mechanical devices, structural support, and properties of materials